Course Descriptions
PPE 175 - Philosophy and Principles of Physical Education and Athletics
3 Credits
Designed to expose the professional preparation student to the history and development trends of the field. Specifically, exposure to the subfields of Physical Studies will be explored. These will include, but not be limited to, Physical Education, Sport Medicine, Sport Psychology, Exercise Physiology, Motor Learning, History of Sport, Sociology of Sport, Recreation, Health Education, Adapted Physical Education, Coaching, and current issues. Special emphasis on the role of coaching as part of the education system, legal and health considerations, and local, state and national roles as they pertain to sport. This course satisfies the requirements of the NYS Education Department Coaching Certification Course: Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics.
MCC General Education: MCC-IL - Information Literacy (MIL), MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explore the subdisciplines of Physical Education and Sport and evaluate the diversity of opportunities within the fields of Physical Education as part of individual career opportunities.
2. Research, examine, and evaluate selected professional literature available in Physical Education and Sport
3. Examine various philosophical orientations and apply these orientations to interscholastic athletics and Physical Education programs as part of a comprehensive educational program in public school settings.
4. Discuss the legal issues, the function and organization of leagues and athletic associations in New York State, and personal ethical standards for the coach and teacher as an educational leader in Physical Education and Athletic settings.
5. Discuss the state, local. and national policies and regulations related to athletics.
6. Discuss the principles of budgeting, record keeping, purchasing and facility usage in sport and Physical Education programs.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025